Remind your children as often as possible that they become whatever they want to be and achieve remarkable success.

The importance of children’s well-being
Are we paying enough attention? Are we allowing our children to communicate and be open with us about what’s bothering them? Join us as we explore the vital aspect of understanding children’s unique perspectives, where their smallest concerns can be their biggest battles.
In this insightful episode, we sit down with Russell Friese, the Assistant Head at Basset House School, to delve into the vital subject of child well-being. He discusses the importance of a comprehensive approach to well-being, emphasizing that a child’s environment, both at school and at home, plays a pivotal role in their development. Russell highlights the significance of open communication with children and the value of recognizing that even seemingly minor issues can weigh heavily on a child’s well-being.
From emotional check-ins to targeted interventions, Russell emphasizes the importance of listening to pupils’ voices and fostering a sense of belonging and safety.
Tune in to gain insights into the intricacies of child well-being, discover signs to watch out for, and explore practical strategies for nurturing resilience and happiness in our children.
Key Takeaways:
- 01:42- The importance of preparing children for success in an ever-changing world.
- 03:30- The uniqueness of each child’s well-being journey.
- 08:50- How parents and schools can work together to support children’s mental health.
- 15:20- Exploring the stress bucket metaphor and healthy stress-release strategies.
- 19:35- The power of open communication and active listening in fostering children’s well-being.
If you found this episode insightful, consider sharing it with other parents, teachers, or caregivers. Your support can help us continue these important conversations on nurturing children’s well-being for a brighter future.
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